Resurrection encounter by the lake Taketime2023-05-11T11:11:29+01:00 John chapter 21 verses 1-14 Resurrection encounter by the lakeTaketime2023-05-11T11:11:29+01:00
Prayer for all believers Taketime2023-05-11T11:01:39+01:00 John chapter 17 verses 20-26 Prayer for all believersTaketime2023-05-11T11:01:39+01:00
Prayer for the disciples Taketime2023-05-11T11:00:35+01:00 John chapter 17 verses 12-19 Prayer for the disciplesTaketime2023-05-11T11:00:35+01:00
The hatred of the world Taketime2023-05-11T10:54:37+01:00 John chapter 15 verses 18-27 The hatred of the worldTaketime2023-05-11T10:54:37+01:00
The promise of the Holy Spirit Taketime2023-05-11T10:50:38+01:00 John chapter 14 verses 15-21 The promise of the Holy SpiritTaketime2023-05-11T10:50:38+01:00
Betrayal Taketime2023-05-11T10:47:54+01:00 John chapter 13 verses 18-30 BetrayalTaketime2023-05-11T10:47:54+01:00
God’s true children Taketime2023-05-11T10:30:35+01:00 John chapter 8 verses 30 -47 God’s true childrenTaketime2023-05-11T10:30:35+01:00
Many stop following Taketime2023-05-11T10:23:49+01:00 John chapter 6 verses 56-69 Many stop followingTaketime2023-05-11T10:23:49+01:00
Spiritual food and drink Taketime2023-05-11T10:23:11+01:00 John chapter 6 verses 51-58 Spiritual food and drinkTaketime2023-05-11T10:23:11+01:00
Calling Andrew and Simon to follow Taketime2023-05-11T10:02:55+01:00 John chapter 1 verses 35-42 Calling Andrew and Simon to followTaketime2023-05-11T10:02:55+01:00