Appearing to Thomas Taketime2023-05-11T11:10:19+01:00 John chapter 20 verses 24-29 Appearing to ThomasTaketime2023-05-11T11:10:19+01:00
The Samaritan woman (part 1) Taketime2023-05-11T10:10:34+01:00 John chapter 4 verses 1-14 The Samaritan woman (part 1)Taketime2023-05-11T10:10:34+01:00
Wedding in Cana Taketime2023-05-11T10:04:59+01:00 John chapter 2 verses 1-11 Wedding in CanaTaketime2023-05-11T10:04:59+01:00
In the beginning Taketime2023-05-11T09:59:52+01:00 John chapter 1 verses 1-18 In the beginningTaketime2023-05-11T09:59:52+01:00
Feeding Four Thousand Taketime2023-05-11T07:29:16+01:00 Matthew chapter 15 verses 29-39 Feeding Four ThousandTaketime2023-05-11T07:29:16+01:00
Good seed and weeds Taketime2023-05-11T07:20:24+01:00 Matthew chapter 13 verses 24-30 & 36-43 Good seed and weedsTaketime2023-05-11T07:20:24+01:00
A sign from heaven Taketime2023-05-10T16:54:38+01:00 Matthew chapter 12 verses 33-42 A sign from heavenTaketime2023-05-10T16:54:38+01:00
Calling a tax collector Taketime2024-01-12T17:03:59+00:00 Matthew chapter 9 verses 9-13 Calling a tax collectorTaketime2024-01-12T17:03:59+00:00
Crucifixion Taketime2023-05-10T16:10:03+01:00 Luke chapter 23 verses 33-43 CrucifixionTaketime2023-05-10T16:10:03+01:00
Love for the lost son Taketime2023-05-10T15:44:18+01:00 Luke chapter 15 verses 11-32 Love for the lost sonTaketime2023-05-10T15:44:18+01:00