Jesus and Lazarus (part 4) Taketime2023-05-11T10:41:59+01:00 John chapter 11 verses 46-54 Jesus and Lazarus (part 4)Taketime2023-05-11T10:41:59+01:00
Jesus heals a man born blind (part 3) Taketime2023-05-11T10:34:18+01:00 John chapter 9 verses 24-34 Jesus heals a man born blind (part 3)Taketime2023-05-11T10:34:18+01:00
A woman caught in adultery Taketime2023-05-11T10:28:59+01:00 John chapter 8 verses 1-11 A woman caught in adulteryTaketime2023-05-11T10:28:59+01:00
Authority and obeying God Taketime2023-05-11T07:48:55+01:00 Matthew chapter 21 verses 23-32 Authority and obeying GodTaketime2023-05-11T07:48:55+01:00
What makes us unclean Taketime2023-05-11T07:28:14+01:00 Matthew chapter 15 1-2 & 10-20 What makes us uncleanTaketime2023-05-11T07:28:14+01:00
Lack of faith in Nazareth Taketime2023-05-11T07:22:30+01:00 Matthew chapter 13 verses 54-58 Lack of faith in NazarethTaketime2023-05-11T07:22:30+01:00
Healing a man with a paralysed hand Taketime2023-05-10T16:52:56+01:00 Matthew chapter 12 verses 9-14 Healing a man with a paralysed handTaketime2023-05-10T16:52:56+01:00
Don’t judge but seek Taketime2023-05-10T16:31:28+01:00 Matthew chapter 7 verses 1-12 Don’t judge but seekTaketime2023-05-10T16:31:28+01:00
Build on strong foundations Taketime2023-05-10T14:46:57+01:00 Luke chapter 6 verses 43-49 Build on strong foundationsTaketime2023-05-10T14:46:57+01:00
Judging others Taketime2023-05-10T14:46:04+01:00 Luke chapter 6 verses 37-42 Judging othersTaketime2023-05-10T14:46:04+01:00