Healing many and praying alone Taketime2023-05-10T14:38:24+01:00 Luke chapter 4 verses 38-43 Healing many and praying aloneTaketime2023-05-10T14:38:24+01:00
A story about a farmer Taketime2023-05-10T13:21:00+01:00 Mark chapter 4 verses 13-20 A story about a farmerTaketime2023-05-10T13:21:00+01:00
Praying in the night Taketime2023-05-10T13:08:44+01:00 Mark chapter 1 verses 35-39 Praying in the nightTaketime2023-05-10T13:08:44+01:00
Martha and Mary Taketime2023-05-10T15:21:24+01:00 Luke chapter 10 verses 38-42 Martha and MaryTaketime2023-05-10T15:21:24+01:00