Healings and praise in the Temple Taketime2023-05-11T07:48:01+01:00 Matthew chapter 21 verses 14-17 Healings and praise in the TempleTaketime2023-05-11T07:48:01+01:00
Two blind men & a man who cannot talk Taketime2023-05-10T16:43:58+01:00 Matthew chapter 9 verses 27-34 Two blind men & a man who cannot talkTaketime2023-05-10T16:43:58+01:00
A dead girl & a sick woman Taketime2023-05-10T16:43:08+01:00 Matthew chapter 9 verses 18-25 A dead girl & a sick womanTaketime2023-05-10T16:43:08+01:00