The Holy Spirit at Pentecost Taketime2024-09-30T09:14:19+01:00 Based on Acts chapter 2 verses 1-21 […] The Holy Spirit at PentecostTaketime2024-09-30T09:14:19+01:00
King of the Jews Taketime2023-05-11T11:04:19+01:00 John chapter 18 verses 33-37 King of the JewsTaketime2023-05-11T11:04:19+01:00
Persecution to come Taketime2023-05-11T10:56:14+01:00 John chapter 15 verse 26 to chapter 16 verse 7 Persecution to comeTaketime2023-05-11T10:56:14+01:00
The Feast of Tabernacles Taketime2023-05-11T10:25:03+01:00 John chapter 7 verses 1-13 The Feast of TabernaclesTaketime2023-05-11T10:25:03+01:00
The testimony of John and of Scripture Taketime2023-05-11T10:17:13+01:00 John chapter 5 verses 31-47 The testimony of John and of ScriptureTaketime2023-05-11T10:17:13+01:00
The Samaritan woman (part 4) Taketime2023-05-11T10:13:14+01:00 John chapter 4 verses 39-42 The Samaritan woman (part 4)Taketime2023-05-11T10:13:14+01:00
Further testimony of John the Baptist Taketime2023-05-11T10:08:45+01:00 John chapter 3 verses 22-36 Further testimony of John the BaptistTaketime2023-05-11T10:08:45+01:00
Calling Philip and Nathanael to follow Taketime2023-05-11T10:03:50+01:00 John chapter 1 verses 43-51 Calling Philip and Nathanael to followTaketime2023-05-11T10:03:50+01:00
The testimony of John the Baptist Taketime2023-05-11T10:01:59+01:00 John chapter 1 verses 29-34 The testimony of John the BaptistTaketime2023-05-11T10:01:59+01:00
The mission of John the Baptist Taketime2023-05-11T10:01:03+01:00 John chapter 1 verses 19-28 The mission of John the BaptistTaketime2023-05-11T10:01:03+01:00