Meditating by yourself

Each meditation enables you to imagine a Biblical setting in which you encounter Jesus. You are then given an opportunity to speak to him and then to hear him answering you.
The audio meditations come in 5, 10, 15 & 20-minute versions.
The 5 minute version is simply an imaginative encounter.
The 10 minute version adds to this a relaxation exercise and a few moments to rest in God’s presence.
The 15 minute version adds more space in which to rest in God’s presence.
The 20 minute version adds to this an option to go back into the story and imagine who you might be, how that might feel and what God might be saying to you through the experience.
Video meditations last about 13 minutes and include music written especially for Taketime

All versions of the audio meditations are free.
The Video meditations differ in that they require a subscription using the Patreon App. Just open the Patreon app and search for “Taketime Meditations.”
To try a free Video Meditation click here.
Note we are having technical difficulties with Patreon at the moment so if you can’t subscribe, email us and we’ll let you know as soon as we have got it sorted.
This subscription enables you to receive;
- a new video meditation of about 13 minutes in length each Friday (based on the Gospel reading set out in the Revised Common Lectionary, as used by many denominations)
It also gives you access to our library of video meditations.
Note that you can choose to receive email notifications and/or push notifications on your smart phone