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The meditations can be accessed here by theme so that you can select a story which might resonate with your mood or with a current area of interest, i.e. anxiety, forgiveness, joy or salvation.
Click on a link below to jump to that section or scroll down to view all meditations
Further testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 3 verses 22-36
Failure of religious leaders (part 1)
Matthew chapter 23 verses 1-12
Further testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 3 verses 22-36
Failure of religious leaders (part 1)
Matthew chapter 23 verses 1-12
Wedding in Cana
John chapter 2 verses 1-11
Crisis in Jerusalem (part 1)
Matthew chapter 24 verses 1-25
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
John chapter 19 verses 16-27
Resurrection encounter at the tomb
John chapter 20 verses 1-18
Jesus and Lazarus (part 3)
John chapter 11 verses 28-45
Being Chosen
Love each other as I have loved you
John chapter 15 verses 9-17
John chapter 13 verses 18-30
Bearing Fruit
Love each other as I have loved you
John chapter 15 verses 9-17
I am the true vine
John chapter 15 verses 1-8
Love each other as I have loved you
John chapter 15 verses 9-17
John chapter 13 verses 18-30
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
Prayer for all believers
John chapter 17 verses 20-26
Peter is reinstated
John chapter 21 verses 15-19
Peter denies knowing Jesus
John chapter 18 verses 13-26
I am the Good Shepherd
John chapter 10 verses 11-21
Ten Bridesmaids
Matthew chapter 25 verses 1-13
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
Jesus heals a man born blind (part 1)
John chapter 9 verses 1-11
Jesus and Lazarus (part 1)
John chapter 10 verse 40 to chapter 11 verse 16
Jesus and the Father are one
John chapter 10 verses 22-33
Matthew chapter 26 verses 20-25
Separation of the sheep and the goats
Matthew chapter 25 verses 31-46
Jesus and Lazarus (part 4)
John chapter 11 verses 46-54
Jesus heals a man born blind (part 2)
John chapter 9 verses 13-23
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
Ask in my name
John chapter 16 verses 23-33
Peter denies knowing Jesus
John chapter 18 verses 13-26
Love one another and Peter’s predicted denial
John chapter 13 verses 31-38
John chapter 13 verses 18-30
Jesus and Lazarus (part 2)
John chapter 11 verses 17-27
Prayer for all believers
John chapter 17 verses 20-26
Persecution to come
John chapter 15 verse 26 to chapter 16 verse 7
King of the Jews
John chapter 18 verses 33-37
The promise of the Holy Spirit
John chapter 14 verses 15-21
Resurrection encounter at the tomb
John chapter 20 verses 1-18
Matthew chapter 26 verses 31-44
I am the Good Shepherd
John chapter 10 verses 11-21
Don’t be afraid & inevitable conflict
Matthew chapter 10 verses 28-40
Appearing to Thomas
John chapter 20 verses 24-29
Resurrection encounter in Jerusalem
Luke chapter 24 verses 32-49
Zacchaeus is changed
Luke chapter 19 verses 1-10
Future death & vain ambition
Mark chapter 9 verses 30-35
The Feast of Tabernacles
John chapter 7 verses 1-13
Good seed and weeds
Matthew chapter 13 verses 24-30 & 36-43
Eternal life
The hour has come
John chapter 17 verses 1-11
The Way, the Truth and the Life
John chapter 14 verses 1-14
Into Jerusalem
John chapter 12 verses 12-19
The Samaritan woman (part 4)
John chapter 4 verses 39-42
The promise of the Holy Spirit
John chapter 14 verses 15-21
Anointed by Mary
John chapter 12 verses 1-8
Falsely Accused
An empty house & Jesus’s true family
Matthew chapter 12 verses 43-50
Jesus and the ruler of demons
Matthew chapter 12 verses 22-32
Appearing to the ten
John chapter 20 verses 19-23
Peter denies knowing Jesus
John chapter 18 verses 13-26
Peter is reinstated
John chapter 21 verses 15-19
The hour has come
John chapter 17 verses 1-11
Peter is reinstated
John chapter 21 verses 15-19
Appearing to the ten
John chapter 20 verses 19-23
Jesus states that he is eternal
John chapter 8 verses 48-59
The testimony of John and of Scripture
John chapter 5 verses 31-47
Anointed at Bethany
Matthew chapter 26 verses 1-13
A wedding banquet
Matthew chapter 22 verses 1-14
Prayer for all believers
John chapter 17 verses 20-26
The hour has come
John chapter 17 verses 1-11
Appearing to Thomas
John chapter 20 verses 24-29
The Samaritan woman (part 1)
John chapter 4 verses 1-14
The royal official’s son
John chapter 4 verses 44-54
Anointed at Bethany
Matthew chapter 26 verses 1-13
Jesus states that he is eternal
John chapter 8 verses 48-59
Feeding 5000
John chapter 6 verses 1-15
Grief will turn to joy
John chapter 16 verses 16-22
Jesus and Lazarus (part 2)
John chapter 11 verses 17-27
The Way, the Truth and the Life
John chapter 14 verses 1-14
Jesus and Lazarus (part 1)
John chapter 10 verse 40 to chapter 11 verse 16
Prayer for the disciples
John chapter 17 verses 12-19
The hatred of the world
John chapter 15 verses 18-27
Gethsemane arrest
John chapter 18 verses 1-12
Jesus and Lazarus (part 3)
John chapter 11 verses 28-45
The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Based on Acts chapter 2 verses 1-21 [...]
Anger in the Temple
John chapter 2 verses 13-22
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Based on Acts chapter 2 verses 1-21 [...]
Appearing to the ten
John chapter 20 verses 19-23
Grief will turn to joy
John chapter 16 verses 16-22
Many don’t believe and Jesus summarises his message
John chapter 12 verses 34-50
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
Anointed by Mary
John chapter 12 verses 1-8
Further testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 3 verses 22-36
Failure of religious leaders (part 1)
Matthew chapter 23 verses 1-12
Further testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 3 verses 22-36
Failure of religious leaders (part 1)
Matthew chapter 23 verses 1-12
Appearing to the ten
John chapter 20 verses 19-23
Resurrection encounter at the tomb
John chapter 20 verses 1-18
The gracious employer
Matthew chapter 20 verses 1-16
Love for the lost son
Luke chapter 15 verses 11-32
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
Resurrection encounter at the tomb
John chapter 20 verses 1-18
The promise of the Holy Spirit
John chapter 16 verses 5-15
The hatred of the world
John chapter 15 verses 18-27
Jesus and Lazarus (part 4)
John chapter 11 verses 46-54
Jesus heals a man born blind (part 3)
John chapter 9 verses 24-34
Failure of religious leaders (part 2)
Matthew chapter 23 verses 13-26
Anger in the Temple
Matthew chapter 21 verses 12-13
Accountability to a returning master
Matthew chapter 25 verses 14-30
Accountability to a returning King
Luke chapter 19 verses 11-26
Jesus heals a man born blind (part 4)
John chapter 9 verses 35-41
God’s true children
John chapter 8 verses 30 -47
Listening to God
I will send the Holy Spirit and give you peace
John chapter 14 verses 22-29
Jesus’ teaching comes from God
John chapter 7 verses 14-24
Peter is reinstated
John chapter 21 verses 15-19
Prayer for all believers
John chapter 17 verses 20-26
Stumbling blocks, forgiveness and faith
Luke chapter 17 verses 1-10
Sending out the twelve
Luke chapter 9 verses 1-10
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
Appearing to Thomas
John chapter 20 verses 24-29
Persecution to come
John chapter 15 verse 26 to chapter 16 verse 7
The hatred of the world
John chapter 15 verses 18-27
Crisis in Jerusalem (part 1)
Matthew chapter 24 verses 1-25
Two blind men receive sight
Matthew chapter 20 verses 29-34
Practical Love
Anointed at Bethany
Matthew chapter 26 verses 1-13
Separation of the sheep and the goats
Matthew chapter 25 verses 31-46
Prayer for the disciples
John chapter 17 verses 12-19
Anger in the Temple
John chapter 2 verses 13-22
Resurrection encounter at the tomb
John chapter 20 verses 1-18
I am the true vine
John chapter 15 verses 1-8
Accountability to a returning master
Matthew chapter 25 verses 14-30
Ten Bridesmaids
Matthew chapter 25 verses 1-13
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
Prayer for the disciples
John chapter 17 verses 12-19
The hour has come
John chapter 17 verses 1-11
Persecution to come
John chapter 15 verse 26 to chapter 16 verse 7
John chapter 13 verses 18-30
Healing in the synagogue
Luke chapter 13 verses 10-21
A man with evil spirits
Mark chapter 5 verses 1-19
The Pool of Bethesda
John chapter 5 verses 1-14
The testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 1 verses 29-34
Peter is reinstated
John chapter 21 verses 15-19
Handling conflict among believers
Matthew chapter 18 verses 15-20
Appearing to Thomas
John chapter 20 verses 24-29
Appearing to the ten
John chapter 20 verses 19-23
John the Baptist is killed
Matthew chapter 14 verses 1-13
Love your enemies
Matthew chapter 5 verses 38-48
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
The cost of following
John chapter 12 verses 20-32
Grief will turn to joy
John chapter 16 verses 16-22
The promise of the Holy Spirit
John chapter 16 verses 5-15
Love one another and Peter’s predicted denial
John chapter 13 verses 31-38
Into Jerusalem
John chapter 12 verses 12-19
Resurrection encounter by the lake
John chapter 21 verses 1-14
The cost of following
John chapter 12 verses 20-32
Taking Time
Healing many and praying alone
Luke chapter 4 verses 38-43
A story about a farmer
Mark chapter 4 verses 13-20
Peter denies knowing Jesus
John chapter 18 verses 13-26
Suffering, death & salvation
Matthew chapter 16 verses 21-28
Healings and praise in the Temple
Matthew chapter 21 verses 14-17
Two blind men & a man who cannot talk
Matthew chapter 9 verses 27-34
King of the Jews
John chapter 18 verses 33-37
Prayer for the disciples
John chapter 17 verses 12-19
Unconditional Love
Jesus and Nicodemus “God so loved the world”
John chapter 3 verses 14-21
Do not worry
Matthew chapter 6 verses 25-34
The testimony of John the Baptist
John chapter 1 verses 29-34
The mission of John the Baptist
John chapter 1 verses 19-28
Jesus is laid in the tomb
John chapter 19 verses 31-42
John chapter 19 verses 16-27
Anointed at Bethany
Matthew chapter 26 verses 1-13
Sight and wealth
Matthew chapter 6 verses 22-24
Into Jerusalem
John chapter 12 verses 12-19
Calling Andrew and Simon to follow
John chapter 1 verses 35-42
The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Based on Acts chapter 2 verses 1-21 [...]
King of the Jews
John chapter 18 verses 33-37
The Way, the Truth and the Life
John chapter 14 verses 1-14
Do not worry
Matthew chapter 6 verses 25-34