Video Meditations
Click on a meditation below to watch
V094 Be ready
25/11/2022, Matthew chapter 24 verses 36-44, Advent1 YEAR A
V095 John the Baptist’s teaching
02/12/2022, Matthew chapter 3 verses 1-12, Advent 2
V096 Jesus testifies about John the Baptist
09/12/2022, Matthew chapter 11 verses 2-11, Advent 3
V097 Joseph’s story
16/12/2022, Matthew chapter 1 verses 18-25, Advent 4
V098 Jesus is born and shepherds visit
23/12/2022, Luke chapter 2 verses 1-14 (15-20), Christmas Day
V099 Joseph’s dreams and tragedy in Bethlehem
30/12/2022, Matthew chapter 2 verses 13-23, Christmas 1
V100 Jesus is baptised
06/01/2023, Matthew chapter 3 verses 13-17, Baptism of the Lord (1)
V101 John the Baptist’s testimony and the first disciples
13/01/2023, John chapter 1 verses 29-42, Epiphany 2 (2)
V102 Calling fishermen
20/01/2023, Matthew chapter 4 verses 12-23, Epiphany 3 (3)
V103 Blessings
27/01/2023, Matthew chapter 5 verses 1-12, Epiphany 4 (4) Test
V104 Salt, light and the scriptures
03/02/2023, Matthew chapter 5 verses 13-20, Epiphany 5 (5)
V105 Murder, adultery, divorce and vows
10/02/2023, Matthew chapter 5 verses 21-37, Epiphany 6 (6)
V106 Transfiguration
17/02/2023, Matthew chapter 17 verses 1-9, Sunday before Lent
V107 Tested in the wilderness
24/02/2023, Matthew chapter 4 verses 1-11, Lent 1
V108 Jesus and Nicodemus
03/03/2023, John chapter 3 verses 1-17, Lent 2
V109 The Samaritan woman
10/03/2023, John chapter 4 verses 5-42, Lent 3
V110 Jesus heals a man born blind
17/03/2023, John chapter 9 verses 1-41, Lent 4
V111 Jesus and Lazarus
24/03/2023, John chapter 11 verses 1-45, Lent 5
V112 Into Jerusalem
31/03/2023, Matthew chapter 21 verses 1-11, Lent 6
V113 Resurrection encounter at the tomb
07/04/2023, John chapter 20 verses 1-18, Easter Day
V114 Resurrection encounters in an upper room
14/04/2023, John chapter 20 verses 19-29, Easter 2
V115 Resurrection encounter near Emmaus
21/04/2023, Luke chapter 24 verses 13-31, Easter 3
V116 The shepherd and the gate
28/04/2023, John chapter 10 verses 1-10, Easter 4
V117 The way, the truth & the life
05/05/2023, John chapter 14 verses 1-14, Easter 5